Chris T. Cornelius (studio:indigenous)
Alternative housing concept.
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA
Plywood, steel.
24 ft x 26 ft x 42 ft
Installed 2021
Not My HUD House is a housing prototype designed by Chris T. Cornelius (studio:indigenous) and installed for Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art's "Architecture at Home" exhibition. The work is on display through March 6 2024 along with four other housing concepts that seek to generate dialogue about contemporary housing design and development. Not My HUD House explores the ways HUD housing could better serve indigenous people by including elements that Cornelius's house on the reservation did not have.
From Cornelius:
"My HUD house didn't have...
A porch
A garage
A place for a fire
A view of the sky
A good connection to the Earth
A place to study/read/draw
A good way to get water off the roof
Any regard for the sun/moon
Space for my non-human relatives"
IA Scope:
Project Management
Design Development